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Susana R. Louros, PhD

Postdoctoral fellow

Centre for Discovery Brain Sciences

University of Edinburgh

Hugh Robson Building, George Square

Edinburgh, EH8 9XD


Education and Academic Positions

  • (2015-present) Postdoctoral Fellow, Centre for Discovery Brain Sciences, University of Edinburgh

  • (2012-2015) Postdoctoral Fellow, Center for Neuroscience and Cell Biology, University of Coimbra, Portugal

  • (2007-2012) Ph.D. in Biology (Magna cum laude), University of Coimbra, Portugal

  • (2002-2007) Bachelor Diploma in Biology, University of Coimbra, Portugal


  • (2016-2018) Portuguese Science Foundation - FCT: PI Susana Louros. Title: A role for Contactin-associated proteins 1 and 2 in experience-dependent plasticity: PTDC/NEU-NMC/4888/2014 - amount € 199,430

  • (2014) International Travel Award, IBRO

  • (2014) Travel grant, Sociedade Portuguesa de Neurociências

  • (2007) PhD scholarship from the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology


  • (2022) D. Katsanevaki*, SM. Till*, I. Buller-Peralta, MS. Nawaz, SR. Louros, V. Kapgal, S.
    Tiwari, NJ. Anstey, TC. Watson, SA. Booker, Darren Walsh, KN. Dissanayake, LAM.
    Mizen, S. Dimitrov, AD. Jackson, D. Arkell, S. Biswal, N. Perentos, MW. Jones, MA.
    Cousin, EK. Osterweil, S. Chattarji, DJA. Wyllie, A. Gonzalez-Sulser, O. Hardt, ER. Wood,
    PC. Kind. Key roles of C2/GAP enzymatic domains in SYNGAP1 related pathophysiology.
    eLife (in revision)

  • (2022) L Simões de Oliveira, HE O’Leary, S. Nawaz, R Loureiro, E. Davenport, P. Baxter, SR
    , O. Dando, E. Perkins, E Osterweil, GE Hardingham, M Cousin, S Chattarji, SA
    Booker, TA Benke, DJA Wyllie, PC Kind. Enhanced hippocampal LTP but typical NMDA
    receptor and AMPA receptor function in a novel rat model of CDKL5 deficiency disorder.
    Molecular Autism (in revision)

  • (2022) Louros SR*, Seo S *, Maio B, Martinez-Gonzalez C, Gonzalez-Lozano MA, Muscas M
    Verity NC, Wills JC, Li KW, Nolan MF and Osterweil EK. Excessive proteostasis contributes
    to the pathology in Fragile X Syndrome. Neuron (in press)
    *co-first author

  • (2022) Seo S *, Louros SR*, Anstey N, Gonzalez-Lozano MA, Harper CB, Verity NC, Dando
    O, Thomson SR, Darnell JC, Kind PC, Li KW, and Osterweil EK. Excess ribosomal protein
    production unbalances translation in Fragile X Syndrome. Nature Communications 13, 3236.
    *co-first author

  • (2022) Caldeira G*, Inácio A*, Beltrão N, Barreto C, Rodrigues M, Rondão T, Macedo R,
    Gouveia R, Edfawy M, Guedes J, Cruz B, Louros SR, Moreira I, Peça J and Carvalho AL.
    Aberrant hippocampal transmission and behaviour in mice with a stargazin mutation linked to
    intellectual disability. Molecular Psychiatry. Mar 7. doi: 10.1038/s41380-022-01487

  • (2021) Bengani H*, Grozeva D*, Moyon L*, Bhatia S*, Louros SR, Hope J, Jackson A,
    Prendergast JG, Owen LJ, Naville M, Rainger J, Grimes G, Halachev M, Murphy LC, Spasic-
    Boskovic O, van Heyningen V, Kind P, Abbott CM, Osterweil E, Raymond FL, Roest
    Crollius H, FitzPatrick DR. Identification and functional modelling of plausibly causative cisregulatory
    variants in a highly-selected cohort with X-linked intellectual disability.
    PLoS One. Aug 13;16(8):e0256181.

  • (2020) Muscas M*, Seo SS*, Louros SR*, Osterweil EK. A Differential Effect of Lovastatin
    versus Simvastatin in Neurodevelopmental Disorders. eNeuro. 2020 Aug 13;7(4)
    *co-first author

  • (2019) Muscas M, Louros SR, Osterweil EK. Lovastatin, not simvastatin, corrects core
    phenotypes in the fragile X mouse model. eNeuro. 2019 Jun 12;6(3):ENEURO.0097-19.2019.
    doi: 10.1523/ENEURO.0097-19.2019

  • (2019) Asiminas A*, Jackson AD*, Louros SR#, Till SM#, Spano T, Dando O, Bear MF,
    Chattarji S, Hardingham GE, Osterweil EK, Wyllie DJA, Wood ER, Kind PC. Sustained
    correction of associative learning deficits following brief, early treatment in a rat model of
    Fragile X Syndrome. Science Translational Medicine. 2019 May 29;11(494):eaao0498.
    # co-second author

  • (2018) Louros SR, Caldeira GL, Carvalho AL. Stargazin Dephosphorylation Mediates Homeostatic Synaptic Downscaling of Excitatory Synapses. Front Mol Neurosci. Sep 13;11:328. doi: 10.3389/fnmol.2018.00328. eCollection 2018.

  • (2017) Thomson SR*, Seo SS*, Barnes SA #, Louros SR #, Muscas M, Dando O, Hardingham GE, Wyllie DJA, Kind PC, Osterweil EK. Cell type-specific translation profiling reveals a novel strategy for treating fragile X syndrome. Neuron. Aug 2;95(3):550-563.
    # co-second author

  • (2016) Louros, S. R., Osterweil, E. K.  Perturbed proteostasis in autism spectrum disorders. Journal of Neurochemistry. Dec;139(6):1081-1092. doi: 10.1111/jnc.13723. Epub 2016 Aug 4.

  • (2016) Matos CA, Nóbrega C#, Louros SR#, Almeida B, Ferreiro E, Valero J, Pereira de Almeida L, Macedo-Ribeiro S, Carvalho AL. Ataxin-3 phosphorylation decreases neuronal defects in spinocerebellar ataxia type 3 models. Journal of Cell Biology. Feb 15;212(4):465-480.
    # co-second author

  • (2014) Louros SR, Hooks BM, Litvina L, Carvalho AL and Chen C. A role for stargazin in experience-dependent plasticity. Cell Reports. 2014; 7(5): 1614-1625.

  • (2011) Rosenstock TR, Brito OM, Lombardi V, Louros S, Ribeiro M, Almeida S, Ferreira IL, Oliveira CR, Rego AC. FK506 ameliorates cell death features in Huntington’s disease striatal cell models. Neurochemistry International, 2011 Oct; 59(5):600-9.

Selected Invited Presentations

  • ESN Mini-Conference at FENS, Glasgow, UK. July 11th 2020 (Invited Talk)

  • EMBO Workshop: Proteostasis. Ericeira, Portugal. 17th -21st November 2017 (Poster)

  • EMBO Conference: Ubiquitin and SUMO: From molecular mechanisms to system-wide responses. Cavtat, Croatia. 15th-19th September 2017 (Poster)

  • Wiring the Brain Meeting. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, USA. March 24th-28th 2015. (Selected talk)

  • FENS Forum of European Neuroscience, Milan, Italy, July 5th-9th 2014 (Poster)

  • Neurodevelopmental Psychiatric disorders Summer School, Bertinoro, Italy, June 22th -28 th 2014 (Poster)

  • 12th Meeting of the Portuguese Society for Neuroscience, Lisboa, Portugal, May 26th -28 th 2011 (Poster)

  • 8th CNC Annual Meeting, 20th-2th December 2010 (Talk)

  • 39th Society For Neurosciences Meeting. October 17th-21st 2009. Chicago, USA (Poster)

  • Osterlab

Osterweil Lab

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